Baxter County Jail and Detention Center: Complete Information, Posting Bond, Visiting Hours
We have discussed everything about Baxter County Jail and Detention center. We have mentioned posting bonds and visiting hours of this jail.

Located at Mountain Home, Arkansas, and operated by the Baxter County Sheriff’s Office, the Baxter County Jail is famous for housing adult male and female inmates who are arrested by the local county or city law enforcement. Crimes by which inmates have been incarcerated range from felonies, to misdemeanors or during a pre-trial period.
Baxter County Jail has a capacity of 165, which is why it has been accused of overcrowding over the years. Regardless of this, Baxter County Jail has been considered one of the best in Arkansas for its continuous commitment to ensuring inmates are treated according to the law and are provided subsequent educational facilities so that upon release, they become contributing members of society.
What kind of programs are offered at Baxter County Jail for inmates?
To ensure the jail is disciplined and a place for inmates to reflect on their past behavior and make amends, the Baxter County Jail does not offer its inmates access to a TV or Radio and inmates also are not allowed to smoke in any part of the facility.
Due to its small workforce, Baxter County Jail has enacted Act 309 which allows for inmates to be assigned different work duties during their detention or time in the prison, and most of the assigned work falls under Kitchen duties. Kitchen duties range from cleaning dishes, serving meals, cutting vegetables, and cleaning the overall kitchen.
Additionally, the Prison has a vegetable garden area located outside the facility. At times, local merchants donate their vegetable plants and seeds, which helps reduce expenditure at Baxter County Jail, which the warden uses on other facilities.
Basic educational courses are offered at the Jail which also includes group therapy, aimed to make sure inmates upon their release, realize the mistake they have made, and make amends in the future.
What kind of food is served at Baxter County Jail to inmates?
Like other jails, the Baxter County Jail also offers prison meals featuring oatmeal for breakfast, bologna for lunch, and bean with cornbread for dinner.
The meal differs on special occasions, but as a daily routine, this is what is served to its inmates.
How can you send money to inmates at Baxter County Jail?
All inmates are allowed to receive money from their loved ones. Funds can be added to their assigned commissary account. Money can be transferred to the account in two different methods.
- Online Method:
To transfer money to an inmate online, you will need to visit and then select “send money online.” Once you do that, another page will open, asking you to select the state, county, and jail facility.
Once everything is in order, you will be transferred to a page asking to enter the inmate’s name and once you verify the inmate, you can then transfer the money.
- Physical Method:
To transfer money physically to an inmate, you will have to visit the Jail and enter its main lobby after verifying you want to visit only to place money. The Commissary kiosk machine in the lobby is accessible and operational at all times this includes even the weekends, nights, and holidays.
You can also seek help from the assigned guard on how to operate the kiosk, however, the touch screen prompts on the Kiosk work without any hassle, especially for those individuals who know how to use a smartphone.
Please note that the machine only accepts payment in cash.
What is the mailing address for Baxter County Jail?
As per the regulations of Baxter County Jail, you can send a letter to an inmate. However, the letter will be censored depending upon its contents. The authorities do not recommend writing more than basic details to the inmate.
The following is the address where you can send a mail:
Baxter County Jail
[Inmate’s Name]
906 Elm Street
Mountain Home, AR 72653
A sender needs to mention their full name, and address otherwise the authorities reserve the right to not deliver mail to an inmate.
How to call an inmate and what is the General phone number of Baxter County Jail?
No one from outside can call any inmate serving at Baxter County Jail, since this is against the rules and regulations.
Inmates are allowed to have access to phones which are placed within their housing units and can make outgoing collect calls, however, during their free time the phones are overcrowded and an inmate may not get enough time to give a detailed call.
Additionally, there are some exceptions to receiving calls from outside. The Warden may allow a call from an inmate’s attorney or a doctor unless it is very urgent or important.
The general phone number of the Baxter County Jail is:
What is the Physical Address of Baxter County Jail?
The following is the physical address of Baxter County Jail:
Baxter County Jail and Detention Center
906 Elm Street
Mountain Home, AR 72653
You can also use the following Google driving directions.
What are the visiting hours and rules of Baxter County Jail?
The following are the visiting hours and rules one needs to keep in mind when visiting the Baxter County Jail:
- On Wednesdays, Male inmates having last names beginning from A to M are allowed visits from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
- On Saturdays, Male inmates having a last name beginning from N to Z are allowed visits from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
- Fridays are reserved for female inmates from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
- Receiving visitations for an inmate at Baxter County Jail is a privilege and the warden reserves all rights to revoke it or suspend them depending upon the inmate’s behavior.
- Visitors below the age of 7 are not allowed. Visitors from 7 to 17 are to be accompanied by an adult.
- Visitors who have been convicted or sentenced or charged with any felony are not allowed and this is why the Jail Administrator approves the visitors' list prior hand.
- Anyone not having a valid government ID is not permitted and visitors are not allowed to bring cameras, cell phones, or any other electronic device.
- No more than two people can visit an inmate at a time.
- Visitors are to cooperate with guards at the entrance, permitting them to search them thoroughly to ensure they do not bring anything with them that can be shared or used to harm an inmate.
What is a posting bond at Baxter County Jail?
The purpose of the bond at Baxter County Jail is the same as that of any other prison which is to ensure a person released from their custody will appear in court to answer their charges. The amount of the bond will be determined by the Judge and the Sheriff’s office.
The three types of bonds accepted at Baxter County Jail are:
- Cash:
Person arrested can post their entire bond amount in cash which will be held by the Sheriff.
- Surety:
Allowing for the secure release from jail. The bond company will charge a certain fee that is “non-refundable.” This type of bond cannot be applied to any fines, costs, or restitution.
- Own Recognizable:
This is when a court releases someone on their recognition. It allows for a promise to be made by the inmate that they will reappear at a later date for further judicial proceedings. However, other than any minor offenses, these are not given to anyone.
How to search an inmate at the Baxter County Jail?
Baxter County Sheriff's office allows the current inmates' list to be viewed by anyone. This can be accessed from here. You can also include the name of the inmate you’re looking for on the search button.
You can also view the released inmates within the last 48 hours from here.