Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, and Level 5 Prisons In New Mexico
What are some Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, and Level 5 Prisons in New Mexico State? we have listed all the facilities in the State of New Mexico based on their Levels.

Having a higher percentage of its people locked up than any other democratic country in the world, New Mexico has an incarceration rate of 733 people per 100,000. As per PrisonPolicy.org's Correctional Control report of 2018, 18000 residents of New Mexico are behind the bars in different kinds of facilities.
The New Mexico Correction Department (NMCD), with its headquarter in Santa Fe Country, is a state agency of New Mexico. There is a range of departments like correction facilities, prisoner reentry services, parole and probate programs, and an offender database that operates under NMCD.
Inmate Classification:
Inmate classification has a very vital role to play in the prison system. From determining the security levels at which the inmates are to be housed, the safety of inmates and prison staff, smooth running of prison operations, to the money it costs taxpayers for incarceration (which generally gets higher with the security levels), Classification has a fundamental role in the performance of state prisons.
An imperfect classification system may have severe consequences as is evident from some of the incidents of an extremely violent nature that have taken place at New Mexico's prisons over the years. It was found that under-classification was the reason behind a riot that was provoked after a guard was stabbed at Guadalupe Country in the Santa Rose, back in 1999.
The current classification system at New Mexico Correction Department was implemented as a response. The scoring tool which was being used to determine the housing of the inmates was redesigned along with the department managing security threats.
However, the department still needs to implement the industry's standard practices to ensure that its current classification system works effectively.
The Process of Inmate Classification at NMCD:
The Process of Inmate Classification at the New Mexico Correction Department follows the following steps:
Firstly, Newly admitted male and female inmates go through the intake process at the Reception and Diagnostic Center in Las Lunas for males and Western New Mexico Women's Prison for females.
Both male and female inmates are kept at Level 4 until the classification process completes and each inmate is assigned a prison.
External Classification:
From here, the classification officers take charge, and after evaluating the inmate's cases and custody score, they recommend both classification status and facility assignment. Generally, classification is to be based on the custody scores of the inmates, unless they qualify for override or mission-driven groups.
There are two kinds of overrides. In mandatory override, an inmate is placed at a higher custody level whereas, in discretionary override, the classification can be adjusted both up and down.
After the inmate's classification is finalized, they are moved to permanent housing where the Central Classification Bureau assigns them the beds.
Internal Classification:
After arriving at the assigned prisons, the inmate is matched with the onsite classification officer who is supposed to recommend work as well as program assignments to the inmate and act as their case manager.
With an intent to move up or down in terms of security levels, the classification status of Level 1 inmates is reviewed every year and the levels above 1 are reviewed every six months. The behaviour and discipline of the inmate decide whether they will be moved up or down in security levels.
Custody Scoring Factors at NMCD:
Generally, the custody scoring factors at New Mexico Corrections Department are consistent with the scoring factors of other states, with some being predictive of risk.
Custody Scoring Factors are the backbone of the classification system. Based on the score the inmates get, the custody level at which they will be housed is decided unless they qualify for override or mission-driven housing groups for triggering the criteria.
Following are Custody Scoring Factors at NMCD:
- History of institutional violence and discipline (if any)
- Prior felony convictions (if any)
- The history of escaping (if any)
- Severity level of the prior conviction (if any)
- Severity level of the current conviction
- History with the drugs and alcohol consumption
- Age
- Link with some gang or activities
Facilities at NMCD and Their Security Levels:
Here is the list of detention facilities in New Mexico built with the purpose of housing prisoners of the state. Each facility has different security levels which may range from Level 1 to Level 6. NMCD decides which facility will house prisoners at what security levels:
1. Northeast New Mexico Correctional Facility:
As per NMCD's guidelines, this prison has only a Level 3 security.
2. Central New Mexico Correctional Facility:
As per NMCD's guidelines, this prison has Level 1, Level 2, Level 5, and Level 6 security.
3. Guadalupe County Correctional Facility:
As per NMCD's guidelines, this prison has only a Level 3 security.
4. Lea County Correctional Center:
As per NMCD's guidelines, this prison has only a Level 3 security.
5. Northwest New Mexico Correctional Facility:
This facility's former name was New Mexico Women's Correctional Facility. As per NMCD's guidelines, this prison has all the security levels ranging from Level 1 to Level 6.
6. Penitentiary of New Mexico:
As per NMCD's guidelines, this prison has Level 2, Level 4, Level 5, and Level 6 security.
7. Roswell Correctional Center:
As per NMCD's guidelines, this prison has only a Level 2 security.
8. Southern New Mexico Correctional Facility:
As per NMCD's guidelines, this prison has Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 security.
9. Springer Women's Facility:
This facility's former name was Springer Correctional Facility. As per NMCD's guidelines, this prison has only a Level 2 security.
10. Western New Mexico Correctional Facility:
As per NMCD's guidelines, this prison has Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 security.
1980 Riot at Penitentiary of New Mexico:
The most violent prison riot in the history of American prisons also happens to have occurred at the Penitentiary of New Mexico. Inmates took over the facility for straight 36 hours which resulted in 33 inmates being killed and 12 officers being held hostage by prisoners who managed to escape their dormitory into the main hall.
This riot led to many changes in the prison system of New Mexico which included a redesigned inmate classification system and shutting down the dormitory and cell houses that were being used at the time of the riot.
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