Private Prisons In The State Of Florida
If are interested to know about the private prisons n the state of Florida? Then are on the right way read this fully.

During the cyclical crime wave in Florida in the early 1990s, Florida experimented with its private prisons to house the growing population of prisoners. Those involved in pushing the privatization process soon faced the consequences in the shape of ethical conflicts.
In Florida, the state demands that private prisons must be 7% less expensive to operate than their public counterparts.
Experts explain the reason behind this as savings are achieved through lower staff and administrative costs and economies of scale. Meanwhile, private facilities are newer and require fewer expensive repairs.
Although some argue that comparing public and private prisons is nearly impossible due to differences in inmate characteristics because public prisons generally take the most difficult prisoners, such as those on death row and those with serious medical requirements.
List Of Private Prisons In Florida
Bay Correctional Facility
The Bay Correctional Facility is a medium-to-minimum custody-level institution located in Panama City, Florida. This level III facility is also home to approximately 980 male adult inmates. Inmates housing in this facility can take advantage of various educational, vocational, institutional, and recreational programs.
Academic Programs
- Adult Basic Education (ABE)
- Adult Literacy program
- General Educational Development (GED)
- Open Office
- Paxen Buss/Focus
- Reading Horizons
- Typing Master Pro courses
Vocational Programs
- FDE Horticulture
- Technology Support Services
Substance Abuse Programs And Treatment
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Intensive Outpatient
- Narcotics Anonymous
- Seeking Safety
- Substance Abuse Prevention/Education
Institutional Betterment Programs
- Acceleron Learning Suite
- ACCI Lifeskills
- Aggression Replacement
- Cage Your Rage
- Compass 100
- Exploring Trauma
- Inside Out Dad
- Law Library Program
- Library Program
- Thinking for a Change
- Veteran Support Services
Recreation Programs
- Canine Caretakers
- FDC Wellness Curriculum
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Blackwater River Correctional Facility
The Blackwater River Correctional Facility started operating in 2010. It is a level V facility and can house up to 2000 adult male prisoners. The programs offered in this facility are as follows:
Educational Programs
- Pre-GED and GED
- Adult Basic Education (ABE)
Vocational Programs
- Barbering
- Desktop publishing
- Electrical (Residential)
- Environmental Services
- Technical Support Specialist
Chaplaincy Services
- Chapel Library Programs
- Special Events
- Religious Education
- Religious Services
Substance Abuse Programs
- Substance Abuse Prevention
- Substance Abuse Education
- Substance Abuse Pre-Release
Institutional Betterment Programs
- Anger Management
- Law Library
- Library
- Life Skills
- Thinking for Change
- Transition
- Vet Dog Program
Gadsden Correctional Facility
The Gadsden Correctional Facility is the first privately owned facility in Florida that housed state inmates under contract with the Department of Corrections (DOC). It was initially created in 1995 to house female offenders.
Read A List of Private Prisons in The State of Nebraska
Academic Programs
- Adult Basic Education/GED
- Literacy
- Tutoring
Vocational Programs
- DMV onsite testing for Commercial Vehicle Driving
- Cosmetology with onsite Board testing by DBPR
- Culinary Arts with ServSafe testing onsite
- Facial Specialty (Esthetician) registration with the State
- Horticulture
Substance Abuse Programs
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Beyond Violence
- Narcotics Anonymous
- Residential Treatment Level 2
- Seeking Safety
- Understanding Addiction
- Women, Trauma, and Recovery
Chaplaincy Services
- Biblical Life Skills
- Family Empowerment
- Grief and Loss
- Inspired by Love
- Most Excellent Way
- Prison Fellowship
- Purpose Driven Life
Institutional Betterment Programs
- 10-Minute Cognitive Skills
- Acceleron Learning
- Art Therapy
- Anger Management (SAMHSA)
- Beyond Trauma
- Compass 100
- Entrepreneurship
- Financial Literacy
- Financial Peace
- Gavel Club
- GCF Newsletter
- How to Be a Responsible Mother/Parenting
- Lamplighters
- Life Skills/Moving On
- Moses Project: Community Service
- My Change Program
- Self Esteem
- Shaping Success for Women
- Small Business Class
- Spanish I-III
- Teddy Bear Club
- Toastmasters
- Trauma in Life
- Treasured Generations: Community Service
- Typing
- Vet-Tech
- Victim Impact
Recreation/Canine Programs
- 5K Running Club
- Aerobics
- Biggest Loser
- Canine Companions for Independence (CCI)
- Easter Seals K-9’s 4 Kids
- K-9 Awareness
- Service Dogs of Alabama
- Silver Sneakers
- Spin Cycle Classes
- Wellness
- Yoga
- Zumba
Graceville Correctional Facility
The Graceville Correctional Facility was established in 2007. It is a level V correctional all-male facility that houses approximately 1884 prisoners.
Academic Programs
- Adult Basic Education
- Ashland University
- General Educational Development (GED)
- Mandatory Literacy Program
Vocational Programs
- Auburn K-9 Program
- Barber
- Commercial Driver’s License
- Landscape Management
- Technical Support Services
Chaplaincy Services
- Baptism Services
- Bible Studies
- Centering Prayer
- Chapel Library Program
- Chapel Music Program
- Discipleship
- Family Integrity Training
- Global Leadership Summit
- Holy Day Observation Program
- Hope Events - Prison Fellowship
- Meditation
- Mentoring
- Native American Prayer Circle
- New & Old Testament Bible Studies
- Personal Growth Programs
- Praise Team
- Prison Fellowship Academy
- Religious Education
- Religious Volunteers
- Service Opportunity for all Faith Groups
- Spanish Service
- Spiritual Advisor Visit Program
- TBN Second Chance Site Program
- Variety of Special Religious Events
- Worship Services
Faith-Based and Betterment Programs
- Commitment to Change
- Community Service Projects
- Conflict Resolution
- Conquer Series
- Credit & Debt Management
- Developing a Business Concept
- Employability Skills & Portfolio
- Experiencing God
- Family Integrity Training Program
- Family Relations
- From the Inside Out
- Great Courses Skill Training Classes
- Grief Recovery
- Institute of Basic Life Principles
- Out of the Depths of Sexual Sin
- Parenting
- Personal Finance Investment & Management
- Prison Fellowship Academy
- Quest Program
- Re-Entry and Relapse Prevention
- Small Business Concepts
- Thinking for a Change
- Victim Impact Awareness
Substance Abuse Programs
- Intensive Outpatient
Institutional Betterment Programs
- Compass 100
- Law Library Program
- Library Program
- Thinking 4 Change (T4C)
Lake City Correctional Facility
The Lake City Correctional Facility is a level IV facility. It was created in 1997 and houses male youthful offender inmates. Male youthful offenders are categorized as 19-24 years inmates.
Academic Programs
- Adult Basic Education
- General Educational Development (GED)
- Volunteer Literacy Program
Vocational Programs
- Barbering
- Commercial Class “B” Driving
- Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts
- Environmental Services
- Tile Setting
Substance Abuse Programs
- Residential Therapeutic Community
- Substance Abuse Prevention/Education
Institutional Betterment Programs
- 100-hour Transition Program
- Go Further
- Law Library Program
- Library Program
- Parenting
- Victim Impact
- Wellness
Moore Haven Correctional Facility
The Morre Haven Correctional Facility was established in 1995. It is a level III minimum to medium custody level facility. This facility can house up to 985 adult male inmates.
Academic Programs
- Adult Basic Education
- General Educational Development (GED)
- Volunteer Literacy Program
Vocational Programs
- Barbering
- Hospitality
- Technical Support Services
- Tourism/Environmental Services
Substance Abuse Programs
- Intensive Outpatient Program
Chaplaincy Services
- Chapel Library Program
- Special Events
- Religious Education
- Worship Services
Transition Programs
- Active and Passive Sports
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Anger Management
- Compass 100 Program
- Law Library Program
- Library Program
- L/S 2 - Parenting
- Narcotics Anonymous
- Physical Fitness Program
- Smoking Cessation
- Victim Impact
- Weight Training
- Wellness Education
South Bay Correctional Facility
The South Bay Correctional Facility was established in 1997. It is a level V facility and can house up to 1948 male adult offenders with minimum, medium, and closed custody levels.
Academic Programs
- Adult Basic Education
- General Educational Development (GED)
- Mandatory Literacy
- Pre-GED
Vocational Programs
- Carpentry
- Culinary Arts
- Environmental Services
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Logistics
- Nursery Management
- Virtual Welding Technology
Substance Abuse Programs
- Counseling/Psycho-social
- Outpatient
- Substance Abuse Prevention/Education
Institutional Betterment Programs
- Compass 100
- Compass Hybrid
- Continuum of Care
- Thinking for a Change