Private Prisons In The State Of Indiana

This article describes private prisons in the state of Indiana, the state-owned prison in New Castle, Indiana.

Private Prisons In The State Of Indiana
Private Prisons In The State Of Indiana

The state of Indiana currently has only one private prison. The GEO Group, Inc. runs this private prison, New Castle Correctional Facility, in Indiana. The GEO Group has a contract with the Indiana Department of Correction (IDOC) to run the prisons.

The GEO Group is one of the major private prison operators in the United States, managing prisons around the country, including Indiana's New Castle Correctional Facility. The IDOC pays the GEO Group a per-diem fee for each prisoner detained there.

In general, it is less expensive to house a prisoner in a private facility than one administered by the government. However, concerns regarding the usage of private prisons in Indiana include the following:

  • Profiteering has the capacity to influence choices regarding how prisons are administered.
  • The absence of accountability and transparency in the private jail sector.
  • The possibility of inferior treatment standards in privatized jails.

Moreover, a plan that would have gradually phased out the use of private prisons in the state was enacted by the Indiana General Assembly in 2018. Governor Eric Holcomb vetoed the bill.

The future of private prisons in Indiana is uncertain as of 2023. The IDOC is now conducting research on the usage of private prisons, and its findings will probably be used to guide future policy choices.

Read Private Prisons In The State Of Illinois

New Castle Correctional Facility

The New Castle Correctional Facility is a privately administered but state-owned prison in New Castle, Indiana. The facility first opened in 2002. The state contracted with the for-profit GEO Group, Inc. of Boca Raton, Florida, to administer the jail in September 2005.

The New Castle Correctional Facility is classified as low to medium security, although it also houses a maximum-security psychiatric unit and an annex. It is now Indiana's second-largest prison, with a capacity of 3,270 prisoners.

Additionally, offenders in this facility are housed in both dormitories and cells. The institution is organized into many units: general population and annex, segregation, infirmary, minimum housing, and mental health.  

The New Castle Correctional Facility also provides educational and vocational programs. Computer education, building maintenance, barbering, horticulture workshops, and culinary arts training are among the vocational programs offered at this institution.

However, inmates can also get drug abuse therapy, parenting classes, sex offender treatment, and engage in re-entry programs. Some of the educational possibilities provided by New CastleCorrectional Facility include adult basic education classes and the opportunity to acquire a GED.

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Private Prison Controversy In Indiana

Private prisons in Indiana have created issues and controversies in the same way that they have in other states. Critics say that the business motivation can lead to cost-cutting methods that harm inmates' well-being and safety.

Concerns have also been expressed concerning the transparency and accountability of private jail operations, owing to the fact that private businesses are not usually subject to the same amount of public scrutiny as government-run institutions.

Moreover, private jail supporters, on the other hand, argue that they can function more efficiently and cost-effectively than state-run institutions. They say that private enterprises bring innovation and competition to the prison system, resulting in better services and lower public costs.

Primary Reasons Behind Indiana's Lack Of Private Prisons

Government Preference

The Indiana state government may have prioritized the use of publicly owned and operated correctional facilities over private prisons for a variety of reasons, including maintaining direct control over the corrections system and ensuring greater transparency and accountability.

Legislative And Regulatory Environment

Compared to other states, Indiana's rules and regulations surrounding private prisons may be less favorable. Stringent laws or limits on private jail operations may deter private corporations from locating in the state.

Existing Public Prison Capacity

Indiana's public correctional facilities may be able to accommodate the state's inmate population, eliminating the need for private prisons as a solution to prison overpopulation.

Public Opinion

In Indiana, the public may voice misgivings or resistance to the use of private prisons, affecting the government's choice to contract with private businesses for correctional services.

Cost Considerations

While private prisons may be viewed as potentially cost-effective options, it is also likely that the state government has discovered other methods of managing its correctional budget that do not rely primarily on private jail contracts.

Historical Context

Indiana's approach to corrections and criminal justice may have evolved differently than that of other states, resulting in reduced dependence on private prisons.

Contractual Or Operational Obstacles

Private jail providers may have encountered difficulties or hurdles in establishing and operating facilities in the state, resulting in a limited presence.

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